Frequently Asked Questions

What's the refund policy?

Getting a refund is easy. just send an email within 30 days and I'll give you a full refund

No subscription?

I am tired of subscriptions. Maybe you are too.

Most software these days charges you rent forever, even if you run it on your own computer.

Moneypal does not do that.

Will I get ads?

No, Moneypal does not do that. It is completely ad-free

Can I get it for free?

Share the Moneypal app on Twitter and get it for free. Send me an email along with the shared twitter link.

What Banks/Financial institutions does it support?

My Bank/Institution is not supported :(. What can I do?

I would love to fix and get it working for you. Send me an email and I'll work with you to try to fix it.

If you are not satisfied, I will give you a full refund.